Fog doesnt turn to look at you but its voice is clear and polite.
FOG: Hey there
YOU: Hey…
you freeze, remembering that you still have to like talk in the afterlife. Fog laughs a little, that same slowness seeping back into its movements. You don’t get the joke
FOG: I’ve lost track of how many times this same conversation has started this way
You know you should be in awe of the timeless being before you but honestly you're a little indignant. It must be trying to process you quickly before moving to the next.
FOG: Don’t- don’t- I didn't mean to make you feel small, sorry.
You remember the other thing they tell you about Fog, it starts to blur the lines between you and it.
YOU: It's ok
FOG: Tell me about yourself
Fog rushes on. Why is it so nervous?
YOU: I was- I think I was
You have to concentrate, you feel Fog’s exhaustion seep into your bones, you're struggling to remember a single fact about your life.
YOU: I think I felt like this before
FOG: Dead?
YOU: No. tired
FOG: Oh. That's better I suppose.
FOG: I'm surprised you caught onto the blur so fast, you’re less disoriented than most
YOU: Thanks…
FOG: You can take your time though, i'm in no rush and it'll come back soon
You swear Fog seems anxious, how is it anxious? But there's something charming in it, how quickly it rushes to accommodate you. Or maybe you just truly do see a lot of yourself reflected in the sleepy city, you want to set it at ease too.
YOU: Thanks
You realise you have repeated yourself.
YOU: How, uhh are you?
FOG: Good, better now that you're here
YOU: Do you say that to every undecided ghost you meet
You joke.
FOG: The ones that ask me how i am, yes
Fog sighs
FOG: so very few
you both rush to apologise at once over a nothing exchange.
Fog softly laughs, it has a quality to it that reminds you of friends staying up to talk to you because they love you, but they should really be asleep. There's something conspiratorial to it as well.
YOU: I'm glad you're uhh- going good
God what are you saying?
FOG: Thank you, I hope you start.. Going better.. Soon as well
You nod. Fog was telling the truth; it does seem in slightly better spirits. Some of the windows within its wings that light up as people are woken up by its curiosity. You are reminded that that is where you will live if you choose Fog. You are utterly caught off guard by the sting of bitterness? Apprehension? At having to move on from this place.
FOG: I'm surprised you like me, I thought you might have gravitated to Sea
You: Oh.. yeah
You can't will yourself to tell Fog you are mainly here because everyone you know lives in it.
YOU: You always seemed nice
Fog smiles, you are suddenly aware it sees entirely through your pretense. It doesn't say anything about it though.
Before it can change the subject you continue.
YOU: Sorry- you do seem nice now, i- uhh- im enjoying myself
Weirdly you're not lying. You don't remember being so awkward, or so honest during your life but something about Fog makes you desperate to keep its affection, even though you're pretty sure you could never lose it.
FOG: You're too kind
FOG: I like you more than i thought i would too
Fog says matter of factly.
FOG: Truly i thought you were destined for Sea, I’m very happy you decided to talk to me
YOU:’ve said that twice, that i was meant for Sea
FOG: I have
YOU: Why do you think that? I mean.. Everyone chooses you..
FOG: You died by drowning, but even before that there was a weight in you
Fog says, a little too evenly as you are overcome by the memory of your death.
FOG: I think I thought you'd be worried I would crush you
You are still shuddering from the memory.
YOU: Will you?
FOG: Of course not. I only want to put you back together.
FOG: Sea wants to tear you apart
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